Japan – Social Work Programs

Aichi Prefectural University

Department of Welfare Science

Degrees offered:  Bachelor of Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.aichi-pu.ac.jp/eng/undergraduate/education_and_welfare/welfare_science/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1522-3 Ibaragabasama
Nagakute-shi, Aichi
480-1198, JAPAN



Chubu Gakuin University

Faculty of Human Welfare

Degrees offered:  Bachelor, Master, and PhD in Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.chubu-gu.ac.jp/university/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

2 Chome-1 Kirigaoka
Seki, Gifu 501-3938, Japan



Doho University

School of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.doho.ac.jp/doho/departmental/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

7 Chome-1 Inabajicho
Nakamura Ward, Nagoya
Aichi 453-8540, Japan



Dohto University

Faculty of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www1.dohto.ac.jp/?p=1090

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

149 Nakanosawa
Hokkaido Prefecture 061-1101, Japan



Doshisha University

Faculty of Social Studies

Degrees offered:  Master and PhD in Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/academics/undergrad/social_studies/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:




Fukuoka Prefectural University

School of Human and Social Sciences

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.fukuoka-pu.ac.jp/english/graduate/human/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

4395 Ita, Tagawa-city



Health Sciences University of Hokkaido

School of Nursing and Social Sciences

Degrees offered:  Master and PhD in Clinical Social Work

Website:  http://www.hoku-iryo-u.ac.jp/eng/nurs.html

Contact email address:  nice@hoku-iryo-u.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1757 Kanazawa
Tobetsu-cho, Ishikari-gun
Hokkaido 061-0293 JAPAN



Hirosaki Gakuin University

School of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.hirogaku-u.ac.jp/faculty/shakaihukushi/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

036-8577 Hirosaki
Aomori Prefecture Minori-machi 13-1



Hokusei Gakuen University

Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:  Bachelor, Master, and Phd in Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.hokusei.ac.jp/en/undergraduate_school/social_welfare.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

Hokusei Gakuen University
2-3-1, Ohyachi-Nishi, Atsubetsu-ku
Sapporo 004-8631



Hokusho University

Health and Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.hokusho-u.ac.jp/school/

Contact email address:  info@hokusho-u.ac.jp

Mailing address:

069-8511 Hokkaido Ebetsu Bunkyodai 23 address



International University of Health and Welfare

Department of Social Services and Healthcare Management

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.; M.S.W.

Website:  http://www.iuhw.ac.jp/en/dep_07.html

Contact email address:  nyushi@iuhw.ac.jp

Mailing address:

2600-1 Kitakanemaru
Ohtawara City, Tochigi



International University of Kagoshima

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.iuk.ac.jp/english/Faculty_Department.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

8-34-1 Sakanoue, Kagoshima city
Kagoshima, 891-0197 JAPAN



Iwate Prefectural University

Faculty of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.iwate-pu.ac.jp/kikaku/e/E01.html?x=80&y=10

Contact email address:  kyoumu@ml.iwate-pu.ac.jp

Mailing address:

Takizawa, Iwate 020-0193 Japan



Japan College of Social Work

School of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:  Bachelor, Master, and PhD in Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.jcsw.ac.jp/faculty/gakubu/index.html 

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

3 Chome-1-30 Takeoka, Kiyose, Tokyo 204-8555, Japan



Japan Lutheran College

Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.; PhD in Social Work

Website:  http://www.luther.ac.jp/english/details.html#en_d04

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

3 Chome-10-20 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015, Japan



Japan Women’s University

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  https://www.jwu.ac.jp/eng/g_profile/social_welfare.html

Contact email address:  see website – https://www.jwu.ac.jp/eng/contact.html 

Mailing address:

2-8-1 Mejirodai, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo, 112-8681



Junior College of Aizu

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.jc.u-aizu.ac.jp/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1-1 Aza-Kadota, Ooaza
Ikkimachi, Aizuwakamatsu-shi



Kanagawa University of Human Services

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.kuhs.ac.jp/gakubu/2013072300013/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

Postal code 238-8522
Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture Heisei-cho, 1-10-1



Kansai University of Social Welfare

Faculty of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:


Contact email address:

Mailing address:

380-3 Shinden, Akō, Hyogo Prefecture 678-0255, Japan



Kansai University of Welfare Sciences

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.fuksi-kagk-u.ac.jp/faculty/social/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

3-11-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka Prefecture 582-0026, Japan



Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare

Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.kawasaki-m.ac.jp/mw/dept/01-01-01.php

Contact email address:

Mailing addess:

Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare 701-0193 Kurashiki,
Okayama Prefecture Matsushima 288



Kibi International University

School of Health Science and Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://kiui.jp.e.cv.hp.transer.com/pc/gakka/hoken/sfukushi/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

716-8508 8, Igamachi, Takahashi-shi, Okayama



Kobe Women’s University

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.yg.kobe-wu.ac.jp/wu/course/wel_syakai/guide.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

4 Chome-7-2 Minatojima Nakamachi
Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture 650-0046, Japan



Kochi Women’s University

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.u-kochi.ac.jp/english/index.htm

Contact email address:  wwwadmin@cc.u-kochi.ac.jp

Mailing address:



Kumamoto Gakuen University

Faculty of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:  Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD in Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.kumagaku.ac.jp/english/academics/social_welfare

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

2-5-1 Oe, Chuo-ku
Kumamoto 862-8680 JAPAN



Kurume University

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.kurume-u.ac.jp/english/faculty_li.htm

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1635 Mii-machi, Kurume-shi
Fukuoka-ken 839-8502 Japan



Kwansei Gakuin University

Social Work Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://global.kwansei.ac.jp/academics/academics_005547.html

Contact email address:  ciec@kwansei.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1-155 Uegahara-1bancho
Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-8501 JAPAN



Kyoto Prefectural University

Graduate School of Public Policy, Social Welfare Study

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://cocktail.kpu.ac.jp/English/r_welfare_society.html

Contact email address:  webmaster-e@kpu.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1-5 Hangi-cho, Shimogamo
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522 Japan



Kyoto Women’s University

Department of Living and Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.kyoto-wu.ac.jp/international/english/department/univ.html

Contact email address:  kokusai@kyoto-wu.ac.jp

Mailing address:

35 Kitahiyoshi-cho, Imakumano
Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-8501 Japan



Meiji Gakuin University

Faculty of Sociology and Social Work

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.

Website:  http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/faculty/sociology/social_work_en.html

Contact email address:  mginfo@mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1-2-37 Shirokanedai Minato-ku
Tokyo, 108-8636



Momoyama Gakuin University

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.andrew.ac.jp/english/faculties/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1-1 Manabino, Izumi
Osaka Prefecture 594-1198, Japan



Nagasaki Wesleyan College

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:  B.A. in Social Welfare

Website:  http://www.wesleyan.ac.jp/english/edu/faculty/

Contact email address:  koho@wesleyan.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1212-1 Nishi-Eida-machi, Isahaya-shi
Nagasaki Prefecture 854-0082 JAPAN



Nihon Fukushi University

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.n-fukushi.ac.jp/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

470-3295 Chita-gun
Aichi Prefecture Mihama Okuda



Niigata Seiryo University

The Department of Social Welfare and Psychology

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.n-seiryo.ac.jp/english/nsu/departments.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

Niigata 951-8121, JAPAN



Nishikyushu University

Department of Social Welfare Sciences

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.nisikyu-u.ac.jp/en/undergraduate_graduate_schools/health_and_social_welfare_sciences.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

Kanzaki Campus 4490-9 Ozaki,
Kanzaki-machi, Kanzaki-shi, Saga-ken 842-8585, Japan



Obihiro Otani Junior College

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.oojc.ac.jp/?page_id=139

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

Hokkaido Otofuke-cho
Kato-gun Kibougaoka address 3 3



Oita University

Faculty of Education and Welfare Science

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.oita-u.ac.jp/english/education1.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

700 Dannoharu Oita-shi
870-1192 JAPAN



Osaka City University

Faculty of Human Life Science

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/en/academics/faculty/humanlife/index.html

Contact email address:  see website – https://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/en/contact/form/faculty_life

Mailing address:

3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi Ward
Osaka, Osaka Prefecture 558-8585, Japan



Osaka Prefectural University

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.osakafu-u.ac.jp/english/academics/undergraduate/human/department.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku
Sakai, Osaka 599-8531



Otsuma Women’s University

Department of Human Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.gakuin.otsuma.ac.jp/english/university/human/welfare.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

2-7-1 Karakida,Tama-shi
Tokyo 206-8540,Japan



Prefectural University of Hiroshima

Department of Human Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.pu-hiroshima.ac.jp/soshiki/welfare/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1 No. 71 No. 734-8558
Hiroshima Minami-ku Ujinahigashi chome



Rikkyo (St Paul’s) University

Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://english.rikkyo.ac.jp/academics/undergraduate/CH/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1-2-26 Kitano,Niiza-shi,
Saitama Japan 352-8558



Rissho University

Faculty of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.ris.ac.jp/en/faculties/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

4-2-16 Osaki, Shinagawa Ward
Tokyo 141-8602



Ryukoku University

Faculty of Sociology

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.ryukoku.ac.jp/english2/prog/faculty/soc.html

Contact email address:  ric@ad.ryukoku.ac.jp

Mailing address:

67 Tsukamoto-cho,Fukakusa Fushimi-ku,
Kyoto 612-8577 Japan



Saga University

Faculty of Culture and Education

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://it3.pd.saga-u.ac.jp/eg/human/idea.php

Contact email address:  bunkyoweb@ml.cc.saga-u.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1 Honjo-machi, Saga-city
Saga Japan 840-8502



Saint Catherine University

Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.

Website:  http://www.catherine.ac.jp/english/university.html#socialwork

Contact email address:  kouhou@catherine.ac.jp

Mailing address:

660 Hojo, Matsuyama City, Ehime
JAPAN  799-2496



Seigakuin University

Faculty of Human Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.seigakuin.jp/english/ac_hw_hw.html

Contact email address:  pr@seig.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1-1 Tosaki, Ageo-shi,
Saitama-ken 362-8585 JAPAN



Seinan Jo Gakuin University

Department of HUman Sciences

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.seinan-gu.ac.jp/eng/academics/human_sciences.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

6-2-92 Nishijin, Sawara-ku
Fukuoka 814-8511 Japan



Sendai Shirayuri Women’s College

Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Pyschology and Social Work

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://sendai-shirayuri.ac.jp/english/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

6-1 Hondacho, Izumi Ward, Sendai
Miyagi 981-3107, Japan



Showa Women’s University

Department of Welfare Society

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://en.swu.ac.jp/education/undergraduate_program/#b

Contact email address:  cie@swu.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1-7-57 Taishido, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo 154-8533, Japan



Sophia University

Faculty of Human Sciences

Degrees offered:  Bachelor’s and Master’s in Social Services

Website:  http://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/program/undergraduate_c/UG_HS

Contact email address:  admission-u@cl.sophia.ac.jp

Mailing address:

Sophia University Yotsuya Campus
7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8554 Japan



Taisho University

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tais.ac.jp/education/grad_school/e-2/e-2.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

170-8470 Tokyo Toshima-ku
3-20-1 Nishisugamo



Teikyo Heisei University

Department of Human Culture

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.thu.ac.jp/univ/modern_life/hc_sw_index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

4-1 Uruidominami, Ichihara
Chiba 290-0170, Japan



Tenri University

Faculty of Human Studies

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tenri-u.ac.jp/en/ariirh000000050n.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1050 Somanouchi, Tenri
Nara 632-8510, Japan



The International University of Kagoshima

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.iuk.ac.jp/english/Faculty_Department.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:



Tohoku Fukushi University

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tfu.ac.jp/en/education/index.html

Contact email address:  kokusai@tfu-mail.tfu.ac.jp

Mailing address:

1-8-1 Kunimi, Aoba-ku
Sendai, Miyagi 981-8522 Japan



Tokai University

Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.u-tokai.ac.jp/international/undergraduate/health_sciences.html#p02

Contact email address:  oasis@tokai.ac.jp

Mailing address:

4-1-1 Kitakaname, Hiratsuka-shi
Kanagawa, 259-1292 Japan



Tokiwa University

Department of Human Services

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tokiwa.ac.jp/en/undergraduate/university/community/human/index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1-430-1,Miwa Mito,
Ibaraki, Japan 310-8585



Tokyo College of Welfare

School of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tokyo-fukushi.ac.jp/english/schoolguide.html

Contact email address:  international@ad.tokyo-fukushi.ac.jp

Mailing address:

4-23-1, Higashi-Ikebukuro
Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8426



Tokyo Metropolitan University

Department of Behavioral Social Sciences

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tmu.ac.jp/english/academics/graduate/hum/bss.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji-shi
Tokyo, Japan 192-0397



Tokyo University of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.tokyo-fukushi.ac.jp/english/en_index.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

4 Chome-23-1 Higashiikebukuro
Toshima, Tokyo 170-0013, Japan



Toyama College of Welfare Science

Social Welfare Department

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.t-fukushi.urayama.ac.jp/subject/social_w/

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

939-0341 Toyama Prefecture Imizu three cable 579



Toyo University

Department of Social Welfare

Degrees offered:

Website:  http://www.toyo.ac.jp/site/english-faculty/soc.html

Contact email address:

Mailing address:

5-28-20 Hakusan
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8606