Bulgaria – Social Work Programs

Bourgas Free Uninversity

Faculty of Humanities, Social Work

Degrees offered:  speciality in social work

Website:  http://en.bfu.bg/index.php?q=node/14

Contact email address:  maria@bfu.bg

Mailing address:

Burgas Free University
62, San Stefano Str.
8001 Burgas


New Bulgarian University (Nov Balgarski Universitet)

Health and Social Work

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.; M.S.W.

Website:  http://www.nbu.bg/index.php?l=429

Contact email address:  vboyanova@nbu.bg

Mailing address:

Sofia 1618
res. quarter Ovcha Kupel
21, Montevideo Street


Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsk

Faculty of Education, Department of Social Work

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.; M.S.W.;

Website:  https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/the_university/faculties/faculty_of_education/departments/social_work

Contact email address:  decan@fp.uni-sofia.bg

Mailing address:

1504 Sofia
15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.


Technical University of Gabrovo (Tehnicheski Universitet Gabrovo)

Department of Social and Economic Sciences

Degrees offered:  B.S.W.; M.S.W.

Website:  http://www.tugab.bg/en/fakstopanski/fak-s-specialnosti/93-specsd

Contact email address:  koendjiewa@abv.bg

Mailing address:

4 H. Dimitar
Gabrovo, 5300, Bulgaria